The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it.

— Robert Swan

We love the mountains in which we run, climb and walk. These mountain landscapes form a key part of the global natural environment, yet they are threatened by the climate and ecological emergency unfolding in front of us. We are living through a climate and ecological emergency and we all have a responsibility to do what we can to reduce our impact on the environment.

We believe that it is incumbent upon us to recognise, quantify, reduce and mitigate the environmental impact of our events, so that we can continue to deliver them for many years to come. We have consulted a carbon accounting expert and our goal is to make Ourea Events carbon neutral. We believe this is the only morally defensible way to run a business in the 21st century.



Account for the carbon emissions we are practically able to measure.

Work with partner onboard:earth to offset our emissions.

Donate 1% of our entire turnover to organisations involved in environmental protection through our 1% For The Planet membership.

Commit to the Outdoor Friendly and Vision:2025 pledges.

Have a dedicated member of the team responsible for sustainability.

Communicate to our participants about our sustainability strategy to encourage positive change.

Operate a carbon neutral business from 2020 onwards *(in 2020 we were actually carbon negative!) *

Measure our progress and publish a transparent annual environmental report (from 2020 onwards).

Donations: In 2021, we donated £19,050 to 1% of the Planet (this includes organisations such as Fix the Fells, John Muir Trust, NW Geopark and Wester Ross Geopark), £11,125 to ecolibrium (now onboard:earth) and £12,147 Mountain Rescue.


Develop and publish a net zero strategy  for our company


 Key areas of focus

As event organisers, our business model depends on people travelling to our events and participating in leisure activities in remote places. These are the kinds of unnecessary-but-extremely-fulfilling activities we enjoy too, and they have undeniable physical and mental health benefits. However, these activities come at an environmental cost and it is our collective responsibility to be as environmentally sustainable as possible.

We are making a commitment to be carbon neutral through a program of reducing, re-using, recycling, and as last resort, offsetting. We expect much of our carbon neutral goal to be achieved through offsetting in 2021, but each year we will focus on shifting the balance so that we achieve more by reducing emissions associated with each event.

Since 2011 Ourea Events has been a member of 1% For The Planet. This means that each year we donate 1% of our entire turnover to support organisations involvement in protecting the environment such as Fix the Fells, and the John Muir Trust


We will do our part by changing and adapting how we organise and deliver our events, but we are now asking you to do your part by accepting and embracing these changes.

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The Vision:2025 pledge

We aim to significantly reduce our climate impacts (annual Green House Gas emissions and other impacts) by 2025. As a Vision: 2025 member, we will put the following measures in place to achieve this:

  1. Develop and publish a net zero strategy  for our company or event 

  2. Measure emissions annually

  3. Reduce consumption of fossil fuels onsite

  4. Reduce waste and aim for 50% (or more) recycling rates

  5. Work with audiences, suppliers and artists to positively influence travel choices and reduce travel-related emissions 

  6. Improve accountability and the sustainability of food sourcing

  7. Working together as an industry to share experiences (positive and negative) about changes we make, sharing best practice and working towards industry standards

  8. Take part in the annual Industry Green Survey so we can track trends and report back to members

  9. Find ways to Inspire audiences, artists and supply chain to make positive changes

  10. Display the Vision: 2025 logo on our website.

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Outdoor Friendly Pledge

A key part of our sustainability strategy is to take the Outdoor Friendly Pledge. The goal of this pledge is to identify, focus on and reduce the pollution and greenhouse gas generating components of event organisation. To share good practice and advocate for a more sustainable outdoor event industry so that the amazing mountain landscape that we practice our sport in is protected, conserved and repaired.

The Outdoor Friendly Pledge has been developed by Kilian Jornet and is targeted at mountain running events and therefore has very specific relevance to Ourea Events. 


We have partnered with onboard:earth (formally ecolibrium) to offset our emissions. onboard:earth works with businesses across the events sector to respond to the climate crisis. They work with a varied portfolio of project partners who are working towards eco protection, regeneration and clean energy:

Trees+ scheme: Invest in forest protection, ecosystem regeneration plus support for communities at the brunt of climate change to balance carbon emissions

Temwa: Tree planting in Northern Malawi

Rainforest Trust: Protecting threatened rainforests

Verfied Carbon Standard Projects (VCS): Leading standard for voluntary carbon offsetting

We support the UN sustainable development goals

They provide a blueprint outlining shared goals to help us all achieve a more sustainable future. All 17 goals are important, however we focus on five areas where we feel we can make a difference.



Ensuring healthy lives and promoting well-being at all ages.

GOAL 12:


Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.



Not only a fundamental human right but a necessary foundation for a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world.

GOAL 13:


Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.



Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.