

All participants and crew are required to use their own reusable cups, plates, and utensils at three of our four 2021 events.

Donate surplus food to a local charity supporting homeless people in Kendal.

Working with Trees not Tees we offer participants the opportunity to have a tree planted instead of receiving an event t-shirt when they enter an event.

At Skyline Scotland®, where we use substantial amounts of waymarking and signage, this is removed immediately after the last runner has passed and the entire course is swept for litter.

Provide recycling points at our events.

Discourage and minimise the use of disposable items and production of waste.

Encourage a philosophy of reuse, upcycling and repair throughout the business and at events.

Ban the use of disposable cups and serveware at all events immediately (including at race aid stations)

Ban the sale and/or promotional give-away of single use plastic items, including plastic bags immediately.

Start a ‘Bring Your Own Mug’ (#BYOM) policy at all our events for participants and crew that would like a hot drink.

Introduce a cupless system for bar beverages across all our events.

Discourage the use of disposable hazard tape, gaffer tape, single-use cable ties and other event production materials.

Minimise printing by shifting pre-event information for both participants and event staff online.



Provide free drinking water stations for all participants.

Ensure that all contractors and exhibitors at our events agree to our sustainability and waste management policy.

Invest in clearly marked and easy to use recycling centres and facilities at all our events.

Manage waste according to the Waste Hierarchy - avoiding waste, prioritising reuse, increasing recycling.


 Above: The inevitable waste generated after an event

We are pledging to reduce our waste by at least 50% whilst also aiming for a 50% recycling rate. Our ultimate goal is to reduce the waste we create to the smallest amount practical. In all honesty we don’t yet know what “50%” means for us because we have never accurately measured the waste created in the office and at events. 2021 will be about measuring our waste accurately and immediately reducing waste in some key areas (the easy wins if you like), which we have outlined below. 

The waste that we produce can be split into three distinct categories: 1) waste created at the Ourea Events office 2) waste created by our event delivery and 3) waste created by our contractors at events. Part 1 and 2 we have great control over, but part 3 requires cooperation and a shared vision with our suppliers. 


In order for us to achieve this pledge, we will need to work closely with our waste contractors to fully understand their processes, reduce all disposable serve-ware, cups and single plastics, plus improve the recycling facilities at our events. Wherever possible we will aim to re-use rather than recycle as we understand that the recycling process still consumes energy and creates pollutants. 

We want to encourage all our participants to consider what they bring along with them to the events and to minimise their own waste wherever they can. From 2021, we will adopt a cupless system across all our events and stop using disposable cups completely. 

We are now working with Trees Not Tees to offer participants the choice of an event memento or to plant a tree.  

We are also aiming to reduce our food waste wherever possible and will continue to work with food banks and charities to donate surplus food.


Did you know?

This area of focus is part of our progression towards goal 4 of the Outdoor Friendly Pledge



